JH Skincare Clinic

IPL Laser and Dermalux LED for redness, red veins, rosacea, acne & pigmentation, tattoo & hair removal; Medik8® Skin Peels; Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra; Electrolysis and Skin Tags, in London.

137 Kirkdale, Sydenham, London SE26 4QJ

020 8699 1998 info@jhskincareclinic.co.uk

We are a close-contact clinic, so we’ll continue to wear PPE during treatment times, and will manage the flow of clients throughout the clinic. On arrival we’ll spray your hands, and will ask you to wash your hands in the treatment room. We will always decontaminate and ventilate the treatment rooms between clients. For all IPL Laser and Dermalux LED treatments, Medik8®, Skin Peels and Minor Cosmetic treatments, please use our online booking system, or call the clinic on 020 8699 1998. For Gift Vouchers or products, please use our online shop, or call in - we’d love to see you!

Thank you as ever for supporting us.
Love always, Janis.

JH Skincare Clinic

Janis Hendrickson

Janis Hendrickson

Owner of JH Skincare Clinic

Find us:

137 Kirkdale
SE26 4QJ

T: 020 8699 1998
E: info@jhskincareclinic.co.uk

Follow us on twitter @JHSkincare
to get the latest news and updates


Map showing JH Skincare

Click to enlarge

Train Stations: Forest Hill, Sydenham
Bus Routes: 122, 176, 197, 202 and 356
Plenty of free parking available.

Book Now

We have partnered with Premier Spa to bring you an easy-to-use, convenient online booking system.

Click here to visit the Premier Spa website.

Note to Mail Order Shop customers: Premier Spa uses its own accounts system, so your shop account login will not work and you will need to create a new account.

Our Privacy Policy

Like all businesses, JH Skincare is bound by European and UK Data Protection laws. We promise that we will only use your details to send you information about our promotions and services. We further promise that your details will be kept private, and will never be sold or made available to any other third party.