JH Skincare Clinic

IPL Laser and Dermalux LED for redness, red veins, rosacea, acne & pigmentation, tattoo & hair removal; Medik8® Skin Peels; Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra; Electrolysis and Skin Tags, in London.

137 Kirkdale, Sydenham, London SE26 4QJ

020 8699 1998 info@jhskincareclinic.co.uk

We are a close-contact clinic, so we’ll continue to wear PPE during treatment times, and will manage the flow of clients throughout the clinic. On arrival we’ll spray your hands, and will ask you to wash your hands in the treatment room. We will always decontaminate and ventilate the treatment rooms between clients. For all IPL Laser and Dermalux LED treatments, Medik8®, Skin Peels and Minor Cosmetic treatments, please use our online booking system, or call the clinic on 020 8699 1998. For Gift Vouchers or products, please use our online shop, or call in - we’d love to see you!

Thank you as ever for supporting us.
Love always, Janis.

After Care for Medik8® Peels

Immediately after the treatment

Immediately after the peel, a skin-soothing restorative serum (for example Hydr8 B5 Serum and Calmwise Serum) and our post treatment cream Ultimate Recovery will have been applied to your skin. You are advised to leave on these preparations for the remainder of the day (and preferably overnight if no sunscreen was applied) to help comfort the skin and reduce peel-induced skin redness.

Within 24 hours following the treatment

To cleanse the skin, use a mild, non-exfoliating cleanser (such as Gentle Cleanse or Calmwise Soothing Cleanser). Flannels or sponges should be avoided. After cleansing, it is recommended to re-apply Hydr8 B5 Serum and Calmwise Serum and finish with our hydrating emollient cream Ultimate Recovery Intense. SPF 30 should be worn daily.


  • Treat the skin gently (stop using wash cloths and facial sponges)
  • Limit time outdoors (to minimise sun exposure)
  • Wear sun protection
  • Use soothing products: Calmwise Soothing Cleanser and Calmwise Serum and Hydr8 B5 Serum
  • Use antioxidant products: C-Tetra or C-Tetra+ Intense or Pure C15 or Super C30
  • Use skin-lightening products (optional) – if you are prone to hyperpigmentation, it is recommended that you commence a lightening treatment with our Pigmentation Solutions, for a minimum of two weeks post-peel.


  • Do not expose the skin to sun or sun lamps
  • Do not use AHAs, BHAs, topical steroids, retinol or physical exfoliants for one week following a chemical peel treatment
  • Do not use facial masks
  • Do not use artificial tanning devices (including fake tan)
  • Do not use any cosmetic products that irritate the skin
  • If makeup is worn, Medik8 recommends mineral makeup

Pre + Post Peel Priming Kit

Vitamin C:

C-Tetra or C-Tetra+ Intense or Pure C15 or Super C30 or Super C30+ Intense

Vitamin A:

Retinol 3TR – Retinol 10TR, Retinol 3TR+ Intense – Retinol 10TR+ Intense

NOTE: Research has shown that the use of topical vitamins C & A throughout the duration of treatments can maximise the results of this skin rejuvenation process.