JH Skincare Clinic

IPL Laser and Dermalux LED for redness, red veins, rosacea, acne & pigmentation, tattoo & hair removal; Medik8® Skin Peels; Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra; Electrolysis and Skin Tags, in London.

137 Kirkdale, Sydenham, London SE26 4QJ

020 8699 1998 info@jhskincareclinic.co.uk

We believe that providing our clients with the best results using the best equipment and systems in a calm, safe environment builds trust.

For all IPL, Laser, Dermalux LED and Minor Cosmetics Treatments please use our online booking system, or call the clinic on 020 8699 1998. For Gift Vouchers or products, please use our online shop, or call in - we’d love to see you!

DPN Case Study – Female, 2017

DPN After

Pre Treatment Patch Test and Consultation

28th April 2017 The client attended the clinic for her Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra Patch Test and Consultation, the above image shows there are many large and small Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN) lesions, particularly around the eye and cheek area. During the client’s Patch Test and Consultation, (Patch Test also includes complimentary Aloe Vera and Witch Hazel Gels, plus 6 x alcohol wipes for home care use), the skin was analysed and a thorough explanation was given of the procedure to include cauterising of the lesions using straight wave diathermy, the process involved, and the aftercare required by the client post-treatment. Hyperpigmentation was also present on the right side of the client’s face, and our award-winning Vitage SPF 30 was recommended to apply daily to reduce this. Here at the clinic, when working with skins of colour, we always recommend our clients use our award-winning Vitage SP 30 daily all throughout the year as, over time, it is highly effective in treating uneven pigmentation and hyperpigmentation that may be present.

As the client was holidaying in Greece in August 2017 and wanted her skin completely clear before going away, the therapist also discussed a treatment plan and recommended that the client have the following:

  • 1st session ¾ hour treatment
  • 2nd session ¼ hour treatment

Both the above treatments were planned 1 month apart to allow the skin time to heal in between. During the Patch Test, the therapist treated three DPN lesions on the right side of the client’s face. The client was then replanned to attend for her complimentary Skin Check one week later.

5th May 2017 The client attended her complimentary Skin Check, allowing the therapist to check that the three DPN lesions treated were removed, and the skin and pigmentation were both healing well. During this time the therapist also reiterated the client’s home care, and as both the therapist and client were happy with the results of the DPN Patch Test, they then went on to plan the following recommended treatments:

23rd June 2017 ¾ hour treatment of DPN lesions

7th July 2017 Client attended her Skin Check

21st July 2017 ¼ hour treatment of DPN lesions

Post Treatment

3rd November 2017 Exactly 15 weeks since the client’s last treatment, most of the DPN lesions have been removed and there are just a few untreated small lesions remaining. The skin has healed extremely well and there is no marking, scarring or hyperpigmentation post-treatment, and the right-sided hyperpigmentation previously present during the consultation has almost disappeared. This is due to the client meticulously following her Home Care recommendations within the first week after each treatment and then daily applying our recommended Vitage SPF 30. Following this consistency of care has left beautiful, clear, glowing skin, and a contented client.


The above DPN Patch Test, Consultation, Treatments and Home Care were all provided in JH Skincare Clinic by Keeley White. The above is a case history and, due to client confidentiality and maintaining respectful client boundaries, we have deliberately not used our client’s name. Please note that the difference in apparent skin tone between the two photographs is purely down to different cameras and lighting conditions, and is not a result of the treatment.

Consultation and Patch Test

All clients new to Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra removal must have a Consultation and Patch Test before treatment. This applies regardless of you having similar treatments at a previous practice.

To plan your Consultation and Patch Test, simply click through to our online booking system here:

Book Now

Alternatively, you may like to call the clinic on 020 8699 1998 to plan and discuss your Consultation and Patch Test further.

We look forward to talking with you and planning your Consultation and Patch Test plus your ongoing client care.

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