JH Skincare Clinic

IPL Laser and Dermalux LED for redness, red veins, rosacea, acne & pigmentation, tattoo & hair removal; Medik8® Skin Peels; Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra; Electrolysis and Skin Tags, in London.

137 Kirkdale, Sydenham, London SE26 4QJ

020 8699 1998 info@jhskincareclinic.co.uk

We are a close-contact clinic, so we’ll continue to wear PPE during treatment times, and will manage the flow of clients throughout the clinic. On arrival we’ll spray your hands, and will ask you to wash your hands in the treatment room. We will always decontaminate and ventilate the treatment rooms between clients. For all IPL Laser and Dermalux LED treatments, Medik8®, Skin Peels and Minor Cosmetic treatments, please use our online booking system, or call the clinic on 020 8699 1998. For Gift Vouchers or products, please use our online shop, or call in - we’d love to see you!

Thank you as ever for supporting us.
Love always, Janis.

Advice and After Care for Dermalux

Consultation Guide

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Consent Form

Treatment Advice


Dermalux is a non-invasive treatment that uses the most clinically proven wavelengths to energise cells and trigger the skins natural rejuvenating and healing processes to treat a wide range of conditions.

There is no risk of irritation, side effects or down time that may be associated with more invasive procedures. There have been no reported side effects in over 3,000 published clinical studies. However, it is important to be aware that photosensitive medications or health conditions may be contraindicated to the LED treatment due to increased sensitivity to light exposure. Please refer to the User or Protocol manual supplied with your device.

Yes. Dermalux has one of the highest safety profiles of any skin care treatment. It does not generate heat or UV wavelengths so cannot damage skin tissue or create photosensitivity. It is clinically proven to be safe for all skin types and the most sensitive skin conditions.

Dermalux is a relaxing, pain free experience with evidenced wellbeing effects. The treatment does not generate heat but a feeling of natural warmth is common due to the increase in blood circulation.

The number of treatments required for optimum results is subject to a number of factors including indication and severity, age and lifestyle. An initial course of 8 to 12 sessions (depending on the Dermalux device used) is generally recommended for all conditions. Treatments taken in quick succession will generally achieve faster results.

Results can last for several months following a course of Dermalux treatments subject to the indication. However, regular maintenance treatments are advised to extend results as part of an on-going skin health programme.

No. We do not recommend using any mask on the skin with Dermalux as this will cause a barrier which will block some of the beneficial light. The mask can either be applied before or after the LED treatment.

If you want to apply products with the LED treatment, we recommend a water based topical that absorbs easily to avoid reflection of the beneficial light. Avoid anything with a high concentration of active ingredients which may be applied immediately after the LED treatment. For very sensitive or problem skin conditions, apply the LED to cleansed skin only without any topical product to avoid the risk of adverse response.

No. Vitamin D production is triggered by exposure to UVB light which converts cholesterol found naturally in the body to vitamin D3.

No. Demalux does not use any wavelengths in the UV spectrum. Our LED’s have a very narrow nanometre tolerance to ensure they only emit the required peak wavelength.

Light is a powerful energy which is made up of wavelengths ranging from very short gamma rays to very long radio waves. The human eye has evolved to detect wavelengths between 400nm and 700nm as colour. We see this as the rainbow ranging from blue through to red light. We do not see UV wavelengths which range up to 390nm and at the other end of the electromagnetic spectrum, we do not detect Near Infrared wavelengths at around 800nm plus. NIR is a very powerful wavelength even though we cannot see it.

Absolutely. As we don’t see NIR light, it is easy to underestimate the amazing therapeutic benefits. NIR is the wound healing wavelength. It accelerates repair and has powerful calming and soothing benefits for inflammatory and problem skin conditions. It is also proven for pain relief.

No. Dermalux is safe for all ages however treatment of clients under the age of 18 will be at the discretion of the clinic and may require parental consent.

We do not recommend using the Dermalux treatment on any client who is currently undergoing medical treatment for cancer. Once signed off by the oncologist or doctor, it is safe to proceed. Dermalux can be used on people who have previously had cancer.

Even though the Dermalux treatment is very safe, our devices have not been tested on pregnant women therefore the risk is unknown. Treatment will be at the discretion of the skin care practitioner. It is safe to use on clients who are breast feeding.