JH Skincare Clinic

IPL Laser and Dermalux LED for redness, red veins, rosacea, acne & pigmentation, tattoo & hair removal; Medik8® Skin Peels; Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra; Electrolysis and Skin Tags, in London.

137 Kirkdale, Sydenham, London SE26 4QJ

020 8699 1998 info@jhskincareclinic.co.uk

We are a close-contact clinic, so we’ll continue to wear PPE during treatment times, and will manage the flow of clients throughout the clinic. On arrival we’ll spray your hands, and will ask you to wash your hands in the treatment room. We will always decontaminate and ventilate the treatment rooms between clients. For all IPL Laser and Dermalux LED treatments, Medik8®, Skin Peels and Minor Cosmetic treatments, please use our online booking system, or call the clinic on 020 8699 1998. For Gift Vouchers or products, please use our online shop, or call in - we’d love to see you!

Thank you as ever for supporting us.
Love always, Janis.

Breast Cancer Care

Breast Cancer Month Imagebreast cancer In aid of logoWe have all known someone with or who has experienced Breast Cancer. October is Breast Cancer Month, and to create greater awareness, in 2014 we decided to donate 50p for every transaction and asked you, our clients, to add 50p to your transaction, all to be donated to our chosen charity Breast Cancer Care.

We were absolutely blown away by the positive response to this, and so we have decided that supporting Breast Cancer does not need a special month – we now have a permanent collection tin in the Clinic, and hope that you will kindly continue to give generously to help Breast Cancer Care help every person affected by breast cancer to get the best treatment, information and support.

Of course, every October, during Breast Cancer Month itself, we will continue to donate 50p from every transaction.

What are the symptoms of breast cancer?

If you get to know how your breasts normally look and feel, you will be more likely to spot any changes that could be signs of breast cancer. This is important even if you have been for breast screening. Look out for the following:

  • A lump or thickening in the breast.
  • A change in the nipple. The nipple might be pulled back into the breast, or change shape. You might have a rash that makes the nipple look red and scaly, or have blood or another fluid coming from the nipple.
  • A change in how the breast feels or looks. It may feel heavy, warm or uneven, or the skin may look dimpled. The size and shape of the breast may change.
  • Pain or discomfort in the breast or armpit.
  • A swelling or lump in the armpit.

If you have any change to your breast, you should make an appointment to see you GP straight away. You may not have cancer. But if you do, being diagnosed and treated at an early stage may mean that you are more likely to survive breast cancer.